Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved at YWCA Greater Portland
Become a Monthly Donor
Donate Stock
Make a gift in your will or estate
Donate through your donor-advised fund
Attend a social justice training
Sign up for our e-newsletter
Ways to Donate to YWCA Greater Portland
Donate Online
From our web site, you can make your gift securely online. Several options are available:
Make a one-time gift.
Make a pledge with convenient monthly payments.
Donate stock.
Make a gift in your will or estate.
Planned Giving
Choose from many giving options, including naming the YWCA of Greater Portland as a beneficiary in your will and more complex trust arrangements that provide life-long income.
For sample bequest language or more information about giving through your IRA, life insurance policy, or other planned giving vehicles, please contact Ayasha Carter at or (503) 294-7478.

Act Now
Join YWCA of Greater Portland on our mission to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all and take action with us today.
Other Ways to Give ↘
Support YWCA’s mission to eliminate racism and empower women!
Online Giving
Your gift of any amount will go to help people right here in Multnomah County.
Recurring Gifts
Give monthly to help guarantee that those we serve receive appropriate care and support every day.
Donor Advised Funds
We welcome gifts made via donor-advised funds. For questions, contact Ayasha at