Private Workshops
We draw on an extensive network on skilled trainers and facilitators to bring you the equity and inclusion training your company needs.
We offer trainings for people who are starting from the beginning and for folks who are continuing their education into more advanced topics.
In our renowned social justice workshops, our expert teachers and facilitators explore how modern-day forms of oppression persist, as well as our role in dismantling or perpetuating them.
We can also facilitate conversations related to diversity and social justice practice. We come to you and bring skills and tools that can be used to enhance your work or community environment.

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Private Workshop Menu ↘
Choose one or more of the courses listed below for customized training that best suits the needs of your group. Content and length will be tailored to YOUR needs and interests. Click here to view all courses.
Courses about Racial Equity + Systems of Oppression
Ally to Accomplice-ship by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Abolition: A Black Feminist Perspective by Ebony Oldham | 3hrs
Actionable Allyship: Building Trust, Managing Power and Taking Risks by Dora Perry | 3hrs
Activism: Black Feminist Perspective on Fat Liberation by Ebony Oldham | 3hrs
Anti-Racism in Social Work by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Anti-Racist Facilitation by Vo Vo | 2.5 hours
Anti Racist Trauma Informed Care by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Biases & Microaggressions by Dora Perry | 3 hours
Building Organizational Equity Plans by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Intercultural Communication by Vo Vo | 2.5 hours
Constructive Allyship by Vo Vo | 2 hours
Creating Affinity Groups and Equity Goals by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Creating An Anti-Racist Organization by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Creating a Culture of Community Care by Vo Vo | 2.5 hours
Crisis, Critical Thinking and Identity-Building With Youth by Vo Vo | 2 hours
Crisis and Organizational Protocols by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Cross Cultural Communication by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Cultivating Empathy and Cultural Understanding in the Workplace by Dora Perry | 3 hours
Cultural Competency by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Culturally Responsive Community Engagement by Ruby Joy White & Tara Miller | 3 hours
Culturally Responsive Supervision by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
De-Constructing Anti-Blackness & Misogynoir by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
De-escalation and Building Protocols by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Definitions: The Language of Equity by Ruby Joy White | 2.5 hours
Disability Justice by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Dismantling Racism by Dora Perry | 3 hours
Dismantling Racism by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Dynamics of Poverty by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Exploring Identity, Culture & Inclusivity by Dora Perry | 3 hours
Exploring Social Identity Development: Privilege, Oppression & Social Position by Kaycie López Jones | 3 hours
From Guilt to Action: Power & Privilege (for white attendees) by Shay Braden | 3hrs
History, Context & Culture: The Water We Live In by Kaycie López Jones | 3 hours
How Whiteness Erases Identity by Kaycie López Jones | 3 hours
Implicit Bias and Structural Racism by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Intercultural Communication Styles by Vo Vo | 2.5 hours
Interrupting Oppression Techniques by Debbie Elias 2.5 hours
Interrupting Oppressive Language: Practice by Kaycie López Jones | 2.5 hours
Oppression and Roads to Healing: Trauma Informed and Healing Centered by Kaycie López Jones | 3 hours
Organizational and Leadership Crisis Response by Vo Vo | 2.5 hours
Organizational Culture by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Power, Position, Racism, and Disrupting Racist Behavior by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Racial Identity Development Theory: An Overview and Somatic Exploration by Kaycie López Jones | 3 hours
Racism 101 (Oregon Focused) by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Restorative Justice by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Retaining A Diverse and Inclusive Workforce by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Systemic Racism by Vo Vo | 2 hours
Systems of Oppression by Vo Vo | 1.5 hours
Trauma Informed Care by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Understanding Bias, Implicit Association & Microaggressions by Kaycie López Jones | 3 hours
Understanding Oppression with Debbie Elias (Intro Level) | 2 hours
Understanding Oppression with Dora Perry | 3 hours
Understanding Oppression with Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Understanding Oppression with Vo Vo | 3 hours
Whiteness: Race and Representation by Kaycie López Jones | 3 hours
Courses about 2SLGBTQIA+
Black, Queer Feminism by Kevyn Way | 2 hours
De-Socially Constructing Gender by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Navigating Gender Inclusive Workspaces by Shay Braden | 3 hours
Supporting Queer & Transgender Youth by Shay Braden | 2.5 hours
Understanding Gender by Kevyn Way | 2 hours
Understanding Sexuality by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Understanding Trans Identities and Gender Diversity by Vo Vo | 2.5 hours
Courses about Domestic Violence, Trauma + Self-care
Best Practice for Responses to Various Mental Health Scenarios by Vo Vo | 2.5 hours
Centering Wellness for Managers & Supervisors by Tyesha McCool Riley | 2 hours
Compassionate Communication & Empathy by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Culture of Gender Violence by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
De-escalation by Vo Vo | 3 hours
The Digital Underground by Tyesha McCool-Riley | 2 hours
Domestic Violence 101 by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Domestic Violence 101 by claire barrera | 2 hours
Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence by claire barrera | 2 hours
Establishing and Maintaining Boundaries by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Healthy Relationships by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Intersectionality, Gender, and the #MeToo Conversation by Vo Vo | 2.5 hours
Intimate Partner Sexual Violence with Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Radical Self-Care Strategies with Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Recognizing and Employing Healthy Coping Strategies with Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Refilling Your Cup with Tyesha McCool-Riley | 2 hours
Safety Planning and Advocacy Skills with Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Saviorism in Domestic Violence Work by Tyesha McCool-Riley | 3hrs
Sexual Assault Advocacy Skills with Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Showing Up for Teen & Young Adult Survivors by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Taking Accountability by Tyesha McCool-Riley | 3hrs
The #MeToo Movement: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Trauma Informed Care by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Understanding Personal Values and Decision Making by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Vicarious Trauma & Vicarious Resilience by Debbie Elias | 2 hours
Working Outside the System by Tyesha McCool-Riley | 3 hours
Trauma-Informed Limits and Boundaries by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Courses about Ableism + Oppression
Creating Neurodiversity- Friendly Spaces by Morrigan Hunter | 2 hours
Disability Justice by Ruby Joy White | 3 hours
Gender & Disability by Morrigan Hunter | 2 hours
Sexuality & Disability by Morrigan Hunter | 2 hours
Understanding and Interrupting Ableism by Morrigan Hunter | 2 hours
Working with Youth with Disabilities by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Disability & Neurodiversity in Adults by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Disability Justice & Accessibility in Programs and Public Spaces by Vo Vo | 3 hours
Join us in dismantling systems of oppression
Ready to learn together?
Contact Shay, our Social Justice Training and Education Manager for more information:

Cost ranges between $2,350-$9,000. Our private workshops can be hosted online or in-person and there is a 3-hour minimum for in-person workshops.
We’re glad you’re here and wanting to create a more inclusive space! Look through our menu above to select what specifically your organization is interested in. We are also happy to meet with you to discuss your organization’s needs one-on-one before you select your workshops. Email to set up a meeting today.
We do not record our workshops to keep the brave space. All workshops are live and interactive with group engagement.