Senior Services
We support Seniors so they can maintain healthy and independent lives in the safety and comfort of their own homes.
YWCA’s Senior Services Program offers a wide range of information and support to Seniors, with an emphasis on people of color over the age of 60 living on low fixed incomes in East Multnomah County.

Because we all deserve dignity as we age
Beginning in 2011 and continuing through the year 2030,
10k people in the U.S. a day turn 65.
Our services cater to the needs of Seniors and their caregivers, and include:
Care Management
Information And Referral
Respite And Support For Caregivers
Activities and Support Groups
Insurance Counseling
Legal Assistance
The Senior Services team also act as advocates for their clients by facilitating their access to services provided by the YWCA’s partner agencies. These services include personal care, housekeeping, adult day care, and other services.

Ways to Volunteer
Senior Center Art Teacher
We are looking for a volunteer to teach art to Seniors at the Senior Center. Currently our art program is 9am-12pm every Wednesday, but schedule could be flexible with teacher’s availability.
Gym Support
Our exercise room is in need of a volunteer to assist Seniors in the space. Our gym is open 8am-noon on Monday’s and Wednesdays but with more volunteers we aim to increase our hours to offer more time for seniors to exercise.